Friday 22 November 2013

1000 Kisses Episodes 37-40 review

1000 Kisses Episodes 37-40 Review
It is becoming increasingly apparent that 1000 Kisses is a one trick pony. The novelty has long since worn off. The plot has effectively ground to a halt for several episodes and the series other main plot is retreading old territory dragging the series on. The show did not need to be the length that it is and it really seems to have no clue what to do anymore.

1000 Kisses started off as a fun guilty pleasure show and is a decent gateway drug to Korean dramas. However, its quality gradually decays over time to the point it starts to become a chore to watch. To be fair the series had a few interesting developments but these were in the form of subplots and were not even close to being as interesting as earlier developments. In conclusion, 1000 Kisses probably is not worth the commitment a 50+ hour series needs to be.

Rating: 5/10

1000 Kisses is streaming on Crunchyroll.

Friday 15 November 2013

1000 Kisses Episodes 16-31 review

1000 Kisses Episodes 16-31 Review

1000 Kisses continues to be a guilty pleasure in this set of episodes. That being said the series starts to lose a little steam near the end of the set as the plot unravels predictably. Emotions run high yet at times the series begins to feel dull.

At this point beyond pre-existing plot threads there’s very little new content being injected into a series that desperately needs it. The length of the series is beginning to become a concern as the plot is beginning to feel stale. In conclusion, this set of episodes is simply decent as a whole. 1000 Kisses will need more if it wishes to maintain viewer interest in the remainder of its run.

Rating: 6/10

1000 Kisses is streaming on Crunchyroll.

Monday 11 November 2013

1000 Kisses Episodes 11-15 review

1000 Kisses Episodes 11-15 Review

1000 Kisses begins to suffer from its glacial pacing in this set of episodes. At times the show can be interesting enough to watch. At others however, the protagonist’s wishy-washy nature starts to get on the viewer’s nerves.

The show continues to be decent quality in terms of production values, acting, etcetera. But it is starting to appears as if the writers have started to run low on ideas. The plot is moving at such a slow pace at this point that it’s actually moving backwards. In conclusion 1000 Kisses needs to step things up if it hopes to keep the viewer’s interest; especially since it runs for 50 episodes.

Rating: 7/10

1000 Kisses is streaming on Crunchyroll.

Monday 4 November 2013

1000 Kisses Episodes 4-10 review

1000 Kisses Episodes 4-10 Directed by Yoon Jae Moon Review

See the first review of the series for the summary.

The plot finally starts moving in this set of episodes. The pacing near the end of this fragment of the series has quickened considerably. The production values are decent for the most part though there is the odd moment. The colorful cast of characters are particularly animated.

The acting has been solid thus far with the protagonist’s aunt and husband churning out stellar over the top performances. The show is very much a guilty pleasure that is highly addictive. One thing I am not sure I mentioned in the last review is the myriad of other plots transpiring on-screen. In the beginning it made the show difficult to follow but as time went on the pieces of the puzzle came together.  In conclusion, this chunk of episodes makes for a fun series which is easy to dig into.

Rating: 8/10

1000 Kisses is streaming on Crunchyroll.

Sunday 3 November 2013

1000 Kisses Episodes 1-3 review

1000 Kisses Episodes 1-3 Directed by Yoon Jae Moon Review

A young housewife finds her husband is cheating on her. The couple’s marriage starts to go downhill quickly. How will she cope with the situation?

                1000 Kisses is pure wish fulfillment and it does it well. The one complaint that could be made is the slow pacing which at times feels almost glacial. That being said, for those who enjoy romantic comedies there’s plenty to like here.
                The show, at some point, will apparently deal with couples with age differences and as of the end of episode 3 there are signs it is heading in this direction. 1000 Kisses has thus far seemed well acted enough. The music is also heart meltingly sweet. In conclusion, 1000 Kisses is off to a slow yet promising start. It may not be perfect, but it sure does well at what it does.

Rating: 7/10

1000 Kisses is streaming on Crunchyroll.


This blog is meant to be for reviews for live-action entertainment from Hollywood to Korean Dramas!