Friday 22 November 2013

1000 Kisses Episodes 37-40 review

1000 Kisses Episodes 37-40 Review
It is becoming increasingly apparent that 1000 Kisses is a one trick pony. The novelty has long since worn off. The plot has effectively ground to a halt for several episodes and the series other main plot is retreading old territory dragging the series on. The show did not need to be the length that it is and it really seems to have no clue what to do anymore.

1000 Kisses started off as a fun guilty pleasure show and is a decent gateway drug to Korean dramas. However, its quality gradually decays over time to the point it starts to become a chore to watch. To be fair the series had a few interesting developments but these were in the form of subplots and were not even close to being as interesting as earlier developments. In conclusion, 1000 Kisses probably is not worth the commitment a 50+ hour series needs to be.

Rating: 5/10

1000 Kisses is streaming on Crunchyroll.

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